Online Event

Save Our Seas Talk Event

  • #Finished

เข้าร่วมกับเราสำหรับการจัดกิจกรรม Save Our Seas Talk ที่ซึ่งผู้ปฏิบัติงานทั่วโลกหารือเกี่ยวกับความท้าทายของพวกเขาต่อเป้าหมายการพัฒนาอย่างยั่งยืน # 14 ชีวิตใต้น้ำ

Wed, July 22, 2020  UTC-04:00

05:00 – 08:00

Online Session





Following the Save Our Seas Talk Event is the Save Our Seas Mini Jam on July 23rd.
Please see the event page for details!

No water, no life, no blue, no green.
-Sylvia Earle, American Marine Biologist

The Save Our Seas Talk Event is online webinar where practitioners from around the world will gather to share their case studies and discuss their challenges. As habitants of this water world, we make huge impacts on life under water, whether we are eating fish, living in coastal areas, or just breathing the air around us. How are all humans stakeholders of ocean sustainability? What are some of the innovative solutions and trends happening in the world of marine pollution reduction and the seafood industry? 

We are very exited to host this talk event under the following two theme in two consecutive sessions, welcoming such a great list of guest speakers for each sessions!

  • Session I
    Reducing Marine Pollution

    By 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the world’s oceans. Microplastic and plastic pollution is a major threat to under water life and on life on land. The problem is growing but there are solution and opportunities for taking action.

  • Session II
    Sustainable Use of Marine Resources

    More than 3 billion people depend on marine and coastal biodiversity for their livelihoods. Leading seafood companies, small responsible fisheries, and passionate chefs can create a powerful supply chain to step towards the sustainable use of marine resources.

  • Kelsie Stewart

    FabCafe CCO (Chief Community Officer) 

  • Yuko Oaku

    UNDP Consultant, Private Sector Partnerships and Youth

  • Dr. Evonne Yiu

    United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability Researcher

Reducing Marine Pollution

By 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the world’s oceans. Microplastic and plastic pollution is a major threat to under water life and on life on land. The problem is growing but there are solution and opportunities for taking action.

Session II
Sustainable Use of Marine Resources

More than 3 billion people depend on marine and coastal biodiversity for their livelihoods. Leading seafood companies, small responsible fisheries, and passionate chefs can create a powerful supply chain to step towards the sustainable use of marine resources.


05:00 – 05:30


05:30 – 06:30

Session I
Reducing Marine Pollution

06:30 – 06:45


06:45 – 07:45

Session II
Sustainable Use of Marine Resources

07:45 – 17:00



Date & Time

Wed, July 22, 2020 05:00 – 08:00 UTC-04:00


Online Session







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