FabCafe Kuala Lumpur
Challenging the SDGs with design thinking. A two-day designathon held in over 90 cities around the world.
Global Goals Jam
The event will be held in 25 days
BioClub is a citizen science community where various researchers, creators, companies, and citizens gather under the keyword “Bio” (biology and life science).
What's Fabcafe?
The ‘Fab’ in FabCafe stands for fabrication and fabulous. FabCafe is essentially a creative hub where creators gather, create, meet, share and exchange knowledge and ideas over coffee. Equipped with digital fabrication machines such as 3d printer, laser cutter, CNC milling machine, embroidery machine and a UV printer, creatives are able to take their projects from idea to a physical prototype in a relaxed and open environment.
“The creative process happens openly and you will also be surprised to find that these people are always happy to share what they are working on. This sort of exchange is what makes FabCafe unique, and everyone is welcome here. Designed for the creative community, but open to all.”