FabCafe Taipei
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Calling for ideas that will boldly change (transform, convert, update, and expand) the way we look at wood!
YouFab Global Creative Awards 2020
YouFab seek works that reflect upon current events that affect our world today, looking at how bridges are connected between various elements such as the environment, the society, the economy, and the political, with design.
What's FabCafe Taipei?
結合設計、科技、工藝、自造精神和其他相關跨領域主題。自2013年起FabCafe Taipei正式落腳台北華山文創園區,透過咖啡館 及3D 列印與雷射切割服務,提供創意人聚集連結的國際交流平台。 享用咖啡之間,讓創意思維和想像力在此活躍發酵,用好玩,美味,簡單易懂的方式傳達FAB 精神。
店內與秉持咖啡專業的 GABEE. 合作提供美味咖啡輕食,不管是在創作,或是只想好好放鬆,一杯好咖啡,停出多杯好創意,請慢慢享用。