Learning by Making: Thinking about STEM and New Models for Education
‘’65% of today’s students will end up doing work that hasn’t been invented yet.’’
You have probably hear this phrase many times. It is an excerpt from a 2011 article by Cathy N. Davidson, Duke University, in the New York Times. Davidson’s observation naturally leads us to ask: what type of education will these students need if 65% of them are going to be doing jobs that have not yet been invented?
Today, just a few years later, it is even easier to envision this new future. The idea of ‘’Fab’’ is quickly becoming part of our modern lifestyle. We can make things ourselves with the tools of digital fabrication: 3D printers, laser cutters, and so on. In the United States, the U.S. government has championed education policy focused on “STEM” education. STEM is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines — Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics — in an interdisciplinary and applied approach. Rather than teach the four disciplines as separate and discrete subjects, STEM integrates them into a cohesive learning paradigm based on real-world applications. The idea of STEM is not yet familiar in Japan, however, so we planned this third STEM Study Night to talk about possibilities for learning in the future.
Some International Schools in Japan have already begun using technology, such as the internet, digital fabrication, and programing, as a new literacy benchmark for the next generation. However, Japanese Schools and International Schools do not have many opportunities to learn from each other, even while both operate in Japan. The STEM STUDY NIGHT is a time to share ideas and discuss how to incorporate technology and creativity when educating for the literacy of the future with the people, such as educators from international schools in Japan, researchers from university and creators from company! And also, you can get the experience of MESH, which is a creative DIY platform that lets you make your own ‘’invention’’ in just minutes.
また、そのような機械を用いて、どのような新しい学びが起きつつあるのでしょうか? 米国でのSTEMの動向をわかりやすく解説し、さらにこれからの日本がどのようにあるべきかを領域や国境を横断しながら考えていきます。日本国内のインターナショナルスクールや研究者とともに理解を深めていきます。そして、テクノロジーと創造性について企業側から、MESHの開発者、ロフトワークのクリエイティブディレクターらも加わり、領域を横断しながら考えていきます。実際にタブレットで操作しながら、簡単にアイデアをカタチにできる電子ブロックのMESHに触れることができます。
Date : 2015.12.2 Wed
19:00 – 21:30 (Doors Open:18:45)
Co-hosted : FabLearn Asia committee Japan,GLOBAL STEM LEARNING ASSOCIATION, JAPAN, 一般社団法人 経営学習研究所
FabCafe Tokyo
参加: ワンドリンクオーダー制
After log-in, please click the “join(参加する)” button at the bottom of this page.
Please join the event if you are interested in.
・New ways of learning with technology (digital fabrication and Internet)
・Building new creative environments through a global network
・FAB x Learning
・Training people for and through creativity
・FAB x 教育・学習に興味がある方
MESH is a creative DIY platform that lets you make your own ‘’invention’’ in just minutes.
No coding required! Simply drag and drop
Attach MESH Tags to or position on just about anything – doors, trash can, toys, closets, wall, etc. On the MESH Canvas app, just drag and drop, and draw a line to connect the Tags. There – that’s it. Simple, right?
#1 : Daisuke Okabe / 岡部大介 (米国におけるSTEMの動向 / The idea of STEM)
#2 : Matt Krebs FAB x Cultural Anthropology in Japan (文化人類学)
#3 : Sarah Sutter Case study of The American School in Japan
#4 : Clint Hamada Case study of Yokohama International School *調整中
#5 : Bradley Hayes Case study of The British School in Tokyo
#6 : Aki Kawana (Loftwork)
#7 : Hagiwara Takehiro (MESH / Sony)
Moderator:Youka Watanabe
19:00 – 19:05 Youka Watanabe Introduction
19:00 – 19:10 Daisuke Okabe : The Idea of STEM
19:15 – 19:30 Matt Krebs : FabLabs x Cultural Anthropology in Japan
19:30 – 19:45 Sarah : Case Study – The American School in Japan
19:45 – 20:00 Break Time
20:00 – 20:15 Clint Hamada : Case Study – Yokohama International School
20:15 – 20:30 Bradley Hayes : Case Study – The British School in Tokyo
20:30 – 20:45 Takehiro Hagiwara : MESH
20:45 – 21:00 Aki Kawana : What’s Creativity?
21:00 – 21:30 Panel Session
Daisuke Okabe
Daisuke Okabe is a cognitive psychologist specializing in situated learning theory. His focus is interactional studies of learning and education in relation to new media technologies. He also conducts research on Japanese anime and manga fandom culture. He is a coeditor of Personal, Portable, Pedestrian: Mobile Phones in Japanese Life and Fandom Unbound : Otaku Culture in a Connected World. He works at Tokyo City University as an associate professor.
Matt Krebs
Matt Krebs is a cultural anthropologist studying the “maker” community in Japan, focusing on FabLab communities. During the past two years, he has spent about ten months observing FabLabs and other makerspaces and interviewing directors and patrons. His research asks why the community has grown so quickly, how it organizes itself, and how people perceive expertise in such a dynamic social situation. Krebs’ presentation at FabCafe will offer a summary of his findings so far with commentary on “makerspaces” in education.
日本のMakerコミュニティー、中でもFabLabに着目し研究を進めている文化人類学者。過去2年の間に約10ヶ月間、FabLabやその他のMaker Spaceを観察し、各スペースのディレクターや常連客にインタビューを重ねている。研究テーマは「如何にしてMakerコミュニティーは、これほど早いスピードで成長を遂げているのか。どのように管理されているのか。ダイナミックな社会現象の起きてい時代の中、人々は何を専門家と捉えるのか」。今回の勉強会では、教育面でのMakerSpaceの役割に関する発見や調査結果を解説します。
Sarah Sutter
A 20+ year veteran in the classroom, Sarah Sutter currently teaches art and digital design at The American School in Japan (ASIJ) in Tokyo. At her previous school, Sarah coached teachers to integrate technology across all curricular areas. Sarah is a Google Certified Teacher, was the admin for a district’s Google Apps for Ed, and is currently a moderator for GEG West Tokyo. Sarah was awarded the ACTEM Technology Educator of the Year award and the Maine NEA Award for Teacher Excellence. She has presented at conferences including GAFE Summits in Japan and the US, Educon in Philadelphia, the K12 Online Conference, Japan ASCD, EARCOS in Bangkok, and was one of the organizers for the first EdCamp in Japan.
東京にあるThe American School in Japan (ASIJ)でアートとデジタルデザインを教える20年以上のキャリアをもつ。以前所属していた学校は、教科や分野を問わず全てのカリキュラムをテクノロジーで統合するための取組みを進めてきました。また、Google認定講師であり、過去にはGoogle Apps Educationの管理者も務め、現在ではGEG西東京の議長をしている。ACTEM技術教育の年間最優秀、Maine NEA教師最優秀賞を受賞。日本やアメリカのGAFEサミット、フィラデルフィアでのEducon、K12オンライン会議、日本ASCD、バンコクでのEARCOS含む会議でプレゼンターとして発表し、日本初のEdCampイベントの主催している。
Bradley Hayes
Brad is a Mathematics and Computing teacher at the British School in Tokyo. As the UK has overhauled its curriculum to include more Computer Science content across all of the Key Stages, Brad has been leading the British School Computing department in implementing these changes. He has introduced the Computer Science IGCSE, sought funding for 3D printers and other fabrication technology and is embedding STEM focussed projects in the schemes of learning.
東京にあるBritish Schoolで数学とコンピューティングの教師。イギリス全土では教育カリキュラムが一新され、コンピューターサイエンスの要素を3歳から19歳の間の教育課程に含めようとする動きが起きています。Brad氏は早い段階でこの動きを取り入れ、British Schoolでコンピューティング部門をリードしている。IGCSEコンピュータサイエンスを導入し、3Dプリンターなどのモノづくり機器を導入するための支援サポートのあり方を模索しながら、STEMに焦点を当てたプロジェクトを学習計画に取り入れている
Takehiro Hagiwara
Founder and Head of MESH project
I Business Office, New Business Creation Department, Sony Corporation
ソニー株式会社 新規事業創出部 I事業室 統括課長
MESH projectの創立者&プロジェクトリーダー。学生時代、コンピュータサイエンスとアートに関する分野で活動。2003年ソニー株式会社入社。So-netなどでネットワークサービスの企画・開発に従事し、2012年に社内スタートアップMESH projectをスタート。MESHはMake、Experience、Shareの略で、プログラミングや電子工作の知識がなくても誰でも簡単に楽しく「あったらいいな」を形にできる世界を目指している。
Mr. Hagiwara is a founder and leader of the MESH project. As a student, Hagiwara was active in computer science and art domains. He joined SONY CORPORATION In 2003 where he engaged in the planning and development of network services such as So-net. This led to the in-house start-up MESH project in 2012. MESH is the acronym for Make, Experience, and SHare. MESH is a fun an easy set of tools built for a world where anyone, without any knowledge of programming or electronics, can turn their ideas for devices we “should” have into reality.
Aki Kawana
Aki is a bilingual designer and business leader located in Tokyo, Japan. He is passionate about creating consistent user experience across different touchpoints by understanding human behavior and mental model. Aki has worked across different industries and functions with multi-disciplinary team from many different countries throughout his career. Aki has experiences in research, design and development as well as business development in Japan, Singapore, Australia and the US. His leadership to make an impact through design drives his entrepreneurial mindset and ways of leading projects.
Youka Watanabe
Youka Watanabe is a director of FabLab Kamakura and GLOBAL STEM LEARNING ASSOCIATION, JAPAN. The organization links regional Japan with the world and offers a range of inter-generational and borderless activities aimed at promoting the spread of digital machine tools in order to build a creative learning environment for the 21st century. We have been preparing the conference, called FabLearn Asia 2015, with Stanford University.
FabLab Kamkaura 代表 / 一般社団法人国際STEM学習協会 代表理事
FabLab Kamakuraの代表を務める。デジタル工作機械の普及により実現する21世紀型の創造的学習環境構築に向けて、世界50ヶ国、600ヶ所以上にゆるやかにつながるFabLab Networkの中でも、積極的に日本国内と国外をつなげるために活動している。海外と地域を直接結びつけ、ダイレクトに人が出逢うことでの行動の変化、世代や領域を横断した活動を展開している。今年の12月12-13日に、スタンフォード大学と連携した国際会議 FabLearn Asia 2015を準備している。「これからの教育の可能性」を領域を横断し実践を通じて探求している。
2015.12.2 (水) 19:00 – 21:00 UTC+09:00
FabCafe Tokyo
東京都渋谷区道玄坂1-22-7 道玄坂ピア1F
京王井の頭線 神泉駅 南口 徒歩3分
JR 渋谷駅 徒歩10分
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