
September 18, 2017

“SHIBUYA ‘To Go’ 48-Hour Design Challenge” Report Part 2

FabCafe Tokyo

“Shibuya ‘To Go’ 48-Hour Design Challenge” was a hackathon event running over two days from August 26th to 27th, 2017.
In part 2, we will report on day 2 of the hackathon, on the presentation and award ceremony, and on upcoming activities!

Click here for part 1 of the report

Prototyping continues through day 2!

All the participants feel pressured for time! So they are pushing ahead with their work at a whirlwind pace.

While you would think that the students had been frantically busy with prototyping and preparing for the presentation, there were also moments when welfare facility staff took over the work, saying “Leave this to me! I’m really good with detailed work!”

It appears that team solidarity has increased.

Presentation and award ceremony

A meeting to report on outcomes comprised the final part of the project. Each team spent about six minutes introducing their facility and presenting on their deliverables.
The project had three awards: the Shibuya Ward Welfare Division Award, the Laila Cassim Award, and the FabCafe Award.

Each of the teams had forged ahead seriously engaging with the facility users, Shibuya, and with creating objects, so ranking them was impossible. On this occasion, however, awards were given to the teams whose prototyping was attractive, as seen by Shibuya Ward, Laila Cassim, and FabCafe.

Shibuya Ward Welfare Division Award
Work Center Hikawa × Akari Tanaka (Kuwasawa Design School)

A facility user who had felt unconfident about her drawing abilities ended up producing wonderful works through the two-day activities. From this, a team did a wonderful job of developing her wobbly lines and unique colors. The facility user also took part in the ceremony.

Laila Cassim Award
Stride Club x Work Sasata × Mai Hirabayashi (Kuwasawa Design School)

While this project was a first attempt at art activities for both facilities, the way in which they worked in a personalized way with the facility users received special recognition. For example, users who had weak brushstrokes and could not draw well were given thick pens, or product development took the form of leather belts, etc. to take advantage of unique styles or the shapes in which pictures were drawn.

FabCafe Award
Studio Palette × Aoi Hashimoto (Kuwasawa Design School)

FabCafe is not only a place to buy things, but is also a place were one can bring products to completion while sharing the fun of creating together with others. Studio Palette’s fabrication was simple and proposed the production of cutlery using the artistic expression of people with disabilities in a dynamic way. This work was recognized for its degree of perfection as a product that emerged from co-creation by people with disabilities and ourselves, and for creating original cutlery that allows us to imagine cooking and eating together.

The project ended with a closing party at FabCafe MTRL located on the second floor of FabCafe, where the production took place over the two-day period! While some of the participants had lost sleep due to being busy with preparations, thing had now settled down. The sleep-deprived participants could now relax and get some sleep.

Upcoming developments

Brushed-up versions of the prototypes produced during the project will be exhibited in the Super Welfare Exhibition (8th–14th August, 2017). A workshop using works and data that were created during the hackathon is planned to take place at FabCafe Tokyo during the exhibition period.

Shibuya “To Go” 48-Hour Design Challenge Report Part 1


  • FabCafe Tokyo

    FabCafe is a place to accelerate creative serendipity with a nice cup of coffee and collaborative peers.
    As an open creative platform, FabCafe aims to empower everyone to take the initiative to make anything, turning their ideas into reality and sharing those ideas in a more tangible way with local and global communities.
    A single FabCafe can be a creative hub for designers and the local community to share and experiment with innovative ideas. A network of FabCafe communities worldwide can create an ecosystem that kick starts the next mass customization movement from the bottom up! FabCafe is located around the world, in Tokyo, Barcelona, Bangkok, Taipei and more!

    FabCafe is a place to accelerate creative serendipity with a nice cup of coffee and collaborative peers.
    As an open creative platform, FabCafe aims to empower everyone to take the initiative to make anything, turning their ideas into reality and sharing those ideas in a more tangible way with local and global communities.
    A single FabCafe can be a creative hub for designers and the local community to share and experiment with innovative ideas. A network of FabCafe communities worldwide can create an ecosystem that kick starts the next mass customization movement from the bottom up! FabCafe is located around the world, in Tokyo, Barcelona, Bangkok, Taipei and more!

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