Project Case

October 14, 2024


國立成功大學與 FabCafe Bangkok、FabCafe Taipei 攜手合作學習糧食安全議題與農業知識

於 2022 年啟動的 Future Dynamic Program (FDP) 是由 Loftwork 與 未來智慧工場 Atelier Future 合作的一個教育專案計劃,未來智慧工場 是位於台灣國立成功大學的跨學科研究與孵化中心。在整個 FDP 計劃中,每期皆有不同主題,但皆與研究社會創新與永續發展相關。而近期完成的是名為「可實踐的永續提案 Sustainability in Action (SIA)」,本主題以糧食安全為核心,尤其著眼於稻米產業。從 SIA 計畫,展開了由 FabCafe Taipei 和 FabCafe Bangkok 團隊支持的跨國合作專案。

An aerial photo of several people standing in a line in a green rice field. They are holding hands raised to the air.

SIA 的第一回計劃專注於泰國稻米農業的挑戰。泰國是世界第二大稻米出口國,種植面積也名列全球第五,主要依賴大規模工業化農業,但實際上該國擁有 20,000 種本土稻米品種,僅有少數幾種被廣泛使用。這種品種單一的情況在面臨乾旱、洪水或病蟲害時風險甚高。此外,許多稻農已經負債纍纍,必須與政府買家和稻米加工廠進行艱難的談判,才能爭取到合理的報酬。

  • A diagram of rice production in Thailand, comprising three ovals with different stages and processes. Seed preparation on the left includes planning, production and screening. Cultivation in the middle has seedlings, planting, harvest, threshing, and drying. Processing on the right includes price assessment, de-stoning, polishing, and sorting.

    稻米的生產過程包含超過 10 個階段,但各階段的現代化並未平均發展。例如,價格評估等階段仍然相當依賴手工作業,且耗費大量人力。

  • An infographic depicting two elements of Thai rice policy: paddy price insuranve between merchants, farmers, and government; and paddy mortgages which raises or lowers rice prices based on season.


An infographic presenting an overview of the Sustainability in Action project.

依循人類、地球和繁榮的「三重基線 (triple bottom line)」的原則,我們為參與本計畫的學員設計的挑戰涵蓋三大面向:如何透過創新提升稻農的生活水平、維護稻米的多樣性,並且為稻米創造新的價值。學生們分組合作,集思廣益,並根據這些目標設計原型方案。

作為 Future Dynamic Program 的主題之一,SIA 的核心目標是在實地操作中培養學生的自主思考能力,並讓他們在異國的環境下解決在地問題。學生們在面對諸如糧食不安全等複雜挑戰時,學習的是解決問題和研究設計的基礎。這些議題往往沒有明確的答案,學生們透過跨領域合作,直接與利害關係人互動,從中學習到寶貴的經驗。

Two students smiling while working on a diagram.

可實踐的永續提案 (Sustainability in Action) 是一個為期九週的工作坊,聚集了來自國立成功大學 (NKCU) 和泰國Silpakorn University (SU) 的泰國、台灣和印尼學生參與。前四週的課程以講座為主,介紹背景知識,讓學生不僅深入了解泰國稻米產業,還探討了日本、新加坡、台灣及印尼等鄰國的案例研究,為接下來的設計部分奠定基礎。

A photo of several seated students watching a lecture projected on a large screen.


A student with long black hair in a ponytail wearing a black shirt gestures toward a hand-drawn diagram projected on a large screen.

第八週,學生們來到泰國重要的稻米產區——那空沙旺 (Nakhon Sawan),進行為期一週的田野調查。他們首先參觀了泰國水牛保護村,這個村莊以生態旅遊保存和展示泰國傳統農業智慧,特別是與水牛和稻米種植有關的知識。學生們了解了水牛在傳統農耕中的作用,並體驗了傳統的耕種技術。

Three people push a plow yoked to two oxen, led by a handler. The ground consists of muddy water that reaches the mid-calf. In the background are two small storehouses next to a green field.

接著,學生們參觀了那空沙旺 Wangdee 碾米廠,了解加工廠如何作為稻米經濟的核心節點,負責稻穀的加工,並透過中間商將稻米銷往市場。

A photograph of two people looking at rice in a bamboo sieve with a hand outstretched.

最後,他們來到 Rice Hub & Farmer Foundation,實地體驗了有機農業的耕作方式,並學習稻米品種多樣化的價值。Rice Hub 通過與廚師、創新者及學校的合作,讓更多人認識到稻米的不同風味和質地,類似於人們如何品味咖啡和葡萄酒。這裡還舉辦稻米品鑒活動,展示各種稻米品種及其烹飪方式。而 Farmer Foundation 則致力於教育農民、促進知識交流、推動農業研究及永續發展,幫助農民減少對化學品的依賴,提升生活品質。他們開發了八種新的稻米品種,並提供各種教育計劃來支持農民的發展。

A photo of several people standing in a line planting rice in muddy water that reaches above their ankles. They are wearing t-shirts, straw hats, and thigh-high orange work boots. Tall trees stand behind them.


A photo of a person giving a presentation. They speak into a microphone while standing next to a projected map of Thailand. In front of the projection screen is a table with large and small plastic bottles.

其中一個團隊的目標是推動有機稻米耕作轉型,有機耕作對許多農民來說,由於高成本,常常難以實現。許多農民在最初的 1–3 年內會虧損。他們於提案中設計的募資平台 RiceRich,旨在將有興趣投資有機農業的個人與企業,與有意願採用有機種植技術並銷售有機稻米的農民進行媒合。

A page about the RiceRich Online Platform. It contains a smartphone screen with a mockup of the design, and a page for investors.

另一個提案 RiceLand,由泰國當地學生設計,旨在幫助農民與土地擁有者和買家連結。對無法全年種植土地的農民來說,租地是一個更現實的選擇。除此之外,RiceLand 也促進合約農業,為農民提供穩定且具吸引力的收入來源。

An infographic of RiceLand's project statement, depicting relationships of contracts, rent, and income among farmers, land owners, community mills, and business partners.

也有團隊以健康意識為出發點,針對減少碳水攝取的人,推廣泰國本土稻米的多樣性。他們推出了 TURN RICE,將不同的稻米品種定位為健康食品補充劑,並採用類似蛋白粉的包裝方式。他們計畫還與健身中心合作,將高蛋白或具有功能性營養的稻米推廣給健身愛好者,從而強調稻米多樣性對健康的好處。

A promotional image of Turn Rice featuring a plastic container with a red label reading "Turn Rice," with a heading saing "Tubtim Chum Phae" and taglines of "Muscle Building" and "Pre-workout Fuel." Other text details the nutritional information and benefits such as high protein, higher GI, and high antioxidant.

最後一個團隊則致力於幫助農民提升金融素養,面對債務問題。他們設計了一款名為 Nee Sin Sin 的桌遊,透過遊戲幫助玩家學習如何借貸、投資、支出和儲蓄,同時應對如洪水、機械故障等意外挑戰。玩家需要透過合作來分散風險,最終擺脫債務,從而更好地理解財務管理的原則。

這四個創新原型成果也在泰國依善的 Isan Creative Festival 2024上進行展出,該展覽主要內容為展示泰國東北部伊善地區的創意計劃與發展機會。「可實踐的永續提案 (SIA)」專案則藉此機會,展出了學生們的最終設計及其對泰國稻米產業的改善目標。

「可實踐的永續提案 (SIA)」是 Future Dynamic Program 中最新的一期計畫,目的在透過沉浸式的教育體驗,讓學生直接面對現實世界的挑戰。課程內容基於對泰國及其周邊稻米產業的深入研究,並結合了設計思維與設計研究的最佳實踐。SIA 的成功,主要在於讓學生親自深入問題,進行探索和學習。

A photo of several students listening to a talk, sitting outdoors under a covered roof. Two speakers stand on either side of a long table; three potted grassy rice plants are on top of the table.

當今世界的複雜問題無法僅靠一個原型解決,因此 SIA 參與者必須深入了解問題的背景,才能提出在地化的設計挑戰。為了幫助他們理解整體情境,課程以國際案例研究為起點,提供全球背景資訊。到最後一週,學生們實地走入現場,與農民及其他利害關係人面對面交流,了解他們的需求與挑戰。現代問題的解決方案需要兼具全球視野和對使用者經驗的深入理解。


  • 推動與全球議題相關的創新教育計劃。
  • 將設計思維、現場原型製作及測試納入課程設計。


Project client: 國立成功大學 Atelier Future 未來智慧工場
Project time: March 2024 – May 2024
Project team: Tim Wong, Kalaya Kovidvisith, Paul Yeh, Jom Jetsada, Chanidapa Savangvarorose, Leslie Tsai
Participants: 來自國立成功大學(台灣)的 8 名學生,以及來自Silpakorn University(泰國)的 6 名學生。
Photographer: Ason Chang
Videographer: Ason Chang
Planning and tour operation: 水牛文化保護村, 那空沙旺 Wangdee 碾米廠, Rice Hub, Farmer Foundation

  • Kalaya Kovidvisith

    FabCafe Bangkok Co-founder

    Kalaya Kovidvisith 是 FabCafe Bangkok 的共同創辦人,同時也是 FABLAB Thailand 的 Managing Director。她擁有 麻省理工學院(MIT) 設計與運算碩士學位,專注於數位製造和生物技術如何推動產業關係的變革,並為未來設計世代創造全新的商業模式。Kalaya 曾參加 2015 年全球企業家峰會,並且是 2016 年柏林亞太周的代表之一。

    Kalaya Kovidvisith is Co-founder of FabCafe Bangkok and Managing Director of FABLAB Thailand. She holds Master degree in Design and Computation from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Her research interests focus on how digital fabrication and biotechnology reinforce the changing relationship in industry and create the new business model for the next design generation. Kalaya is Global Entrepreneur Summit Delegate of 2015 and Asia Pacific Weeks Berlin 2016.

    Kalaya Kovidvisith 是 FabCafe Bangkok 的共同創辦人,同時也是 FABLAB Thailand 的 Managing Director。她擁有 麻省理工學院(MIT) 設計與運算碩士學位,專注於數位製造和生物技術如何推動產業關係的變革,並為未來設計世代創造全新的商業模式。Kalaya 曾參加 2015 年全球企業家峰會,並且是 2016 年柏林亞太周的代表之一。

    Kalaya Kovidvisith is Co-founder of FabCafe Bangkok and Managing Director of FABLAB Thailand. She holds Master degree in Design and Computation from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Her research interests focus on how digital fabrication and biotechnology reinforce the changing relationship in industry and create the new business model for the next design generation. Kalaya is Global Entrepreneur Summit Delegate of 2015 and Asia Pacific Weeks Berlin 2016.

  • Tim Wong

    FabCafe Taipei / Loftwork Taiwan co-founder

    Tim Wong 是 Loftwork Taiwan 與FabCafe Taipei 的共同創辦人。

    他擁有哈佛大學設計研究生院建築和都市設計雙碩士學位,以及 7 年的建築與都市設計經驗,曾參與的專案遍及美國、中東及亞洲多個城市。


    Tim was born in Hong Kong and lived in the US for 17 years. He relocated to Taiwan in 2008, because he believes Taiwan has the good opportunity to create a creative platform that cultivates innovative ideas and projects with creative talents from different background.

    Before co-founding FabCafe Taipei in 2013 and Loftwork Taiwan in 2014, He has been an urban design practitioner for 7 years and worked on urban design projects across the US, Middle East, and various Asian cities. He graduated from Harvard Graduate School of Design with dual Master degrees in Architecture and Urban Design.

    Tim Wong 是 Loftwork Taiwan 與FabCafe Taipei 的共同創辦人。

    他擁有哈佛大學設計研究生院建築和都市設計雙碩士學位,以及 7 年的建築與都市設計經驗,曾參與的專案遍及美國、中東及亞洲多個城市。


    Tim was born in Hong Kong and lived in the US for 17 years. He relocated to Taiwan in 2008, because he believes Taiwan has the good opportunity to create a creative platform that cultivates innovative ideas and projects with creative talents from different background.

    Before co-founding FabCafe Taipei in 2013 and Loftwork Taiwan in 2014, He has been an urban design practitioner for 7 years and worked on urban design projects across the US, Middle East, and various Asian cities. He graduated from Harvard Graduate School of Design with dual Master degrees in Architecture and Urban Design.


  • FabCafe Taipei Editorial Team

    This articles is edited by FabCafe Taipei.

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    This articles is edited by FabCafe Taipei.

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