
August 3, 2022

What Is Kuromoji Coffee?

Meet the original FabCafe coffee produced at the heart of Hida forests

FabCafe Global Editorial Team

FabCafe Hida presents Kuromoji Coffee, a surprising blend roasted using fragrant Kuromoji wood harvested at the forests of Hida.

With every sip, the luxurious aroma of kuromoji wood spreads through the palate in perfect combination with the bitterness and acidity of coffee to create a well-rounded, harmonious experience.

Born from the deep, breathtaking Hida forests in Central Japan, and painstakingly manufactured using hand-crank roasters by the coffee roaster Katsunosuke, discover the charms of Kuromoji Coffee, FabCafe Hida’s signature drink that will nurture both your heart and soul.

  • Product name: Kuromoji-infused regular coffee (powder)
  • Drip pack content: 10g (1 pack)
  • Expiry date: Printed on product packaging
  • Storage method: Store in a cool, dry, and dark place
  • Usage notes: Please consume as soon as possible after opening
  • Grind size: Medium
  • Manufacturer: Coffee roaster Katsunosuke
  • Distributor: Hidakuma Inc.
  • Drip pack dimensions (1 pack): length 12mm x width 10mm x thickness 3mm
  • Drip pack packaging design: OK PAPERS

Enjoy it at FabCafe Hida

Every cup of coffee served at FabCafe Hida is lovingly hand dripped by our staff.

  • Hot Kuromoji Coffee ¥550 (tax-inclusive)
  • Iced Kuromoji Coffee ¥600 (tax-inclusive)

Also available in the form of drip packs, you can enjoy our coffee at home or at your workplace. It is a great gift for those dear to you as well.

In-store shopping

  • 1 drip pack ¥380 (tax-inclusive)
  • Set of 3 drip packs ¥1,000 (tax-inclusive)

Online shopping (only available in Japan)

  • Our drip packs can be purchase online by clicking on the “Shop” button.

Kuromoji Coffee is now also available to be purchased by weight

Please click here for further details.

FabCafe Hida provides food and experience programs that allow you to feel close to the forests of Hida. The kuromoji tree branches used in Kuromoji Coffee are harvested from forests owned by Hidakuma, the company operating FabCafe Hida. One of the charms of this coffee is that its aroma and taste varies based on factors such as the season in which the wood is harvested, as well as the age and stage of growth of the trees. Just like the shifting expressions of the forest, our coffee always presents a novel flavour.

  • Kuromoji trees are characterised by its slight branches and thin, soft, and small leaves. Similar to its refined appearence, its reserved fragrance that stands out even in the middle of the forest.

  • It is a bit difficult to collect kuromoji wood in a steep forest, especially if it is not well maintained, but the FabCafe staff always look forward to going into the woods.

  • A natural flavor that changes with the seasons. The picture shows the harvesting process in April, when snow still paints the landscape.

Even though the manufacturing process for Kuromoji Coffee only uses the branches of the kuromoji trees, its leaves are dried and included in other FabCafe Hida offerings in the form of tea and spices. The blessings of the forest are used with care, without wasting them.

In order to draw out the strengths of both kuromoji and coffee, we tested the ratio of our formulation over and over again. Finally, we found a delicate balance that brought finely shredded kuromoji branches and medium roasted Colombian coffee beans together into a harmonious combination.

The reserved, luxurious and elegant aroma and spiciness of the kuromoji wood is firmly supported by the coffee, resulting in a refreshing aftertaste that feels like drawing a deep breath in the middle of the forest.

Katsunosuke, a coffee roaster based in Gifu city, was involved in the development and manufacture of Kuromoji Coffee. We first met him at an event in the same city, and after that he held a workshop on hand-cranked coffee roasting at FabCafe Hida. This was the catalyst for the start of our collaborative development of Kuromoji Coffee. Through Katsunosuke’s hand-cranked roasting techniques and painstaking dedication to his work, we were able to create an aromatic coffee that makes use of wild kuromoji wood.

A broad-leaved deciduous tree belonging to the Lindera genus in the Lauraceae family, the kuromoji grows all across the Japanese islands of Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu. As its English name “spicebush” implies, its defining characteristic is its spicy, refreshing fragrance. Ingredients of essential oils such as linalool can be found in its leaves and bark. These compounds, which are also used as spices, have a relaxing effect and are also said to have antiviral properties. The fragrance of Kuromoji Coffee will swathe you in its gentle embrace in those moments when you feel like taking a break.

“What if it were easier to venture into the forest?” “What can we do to help people experience it?”

90% of the city of Hida, where FabCafe Hida is located, is covered by forests. Most of the people of Hida are so used to their natural environtment that they don’t realize its value; to many, the forest has become a presence far removed from daily life.

However, we believe that there are must also exist people who would like to freely venture into the woods and enjoy them in different ways should they have the chance. If, through Kuromoji Coffee, we can make even one person feel closer to the forest, we think that it might become an opportunity for them to reflect upon our environment and our future.

We would be delighted if you tried our Kuromoji Coffee, a product born from the blessings of the forests of Hida, and experienced FabCafe Hida, where a diverse range of people and things interact and meet on a daily basis.

The subtle flavor changes reflect the flow of the forests with every passing season. It is our hope that our distributors will be able to enjoy these changes together with us. In order to further deepen our partners’ understanding of the forests of Hida as well as Kuromoji Coffee, we:

  • Provide drink samples to distributors
  • Plan to provide kuromoji harvesting tours in forests owned by Hidakuma Inc. to distributors.

Please feel free to contact us if you are interested!

Inquiries and orders for Kuromoji Coffee

FabCafe Hida
E-mail: Tel: 0577-57-7686

Related links

  • Aside from Kuromoji Coffee, FabCafe Hida’s menu makes use of kuromoji in a variety of other ways: in Kuromoji Tea, and as a topping for our recipe of Forest Rice, and so on. Check it out here!

Click here to see the rules of the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions of Japan we abide by (in Japanese).


  • FabCafe Global Editorial Team

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    This articles is edited by FabCafe Global.

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